Tuesday 15 July 2014

Ras Malai

Ras Malai - Seema Mallya
2 Cup milk powder
2 No.s Egg white
Saffron few strands
25gms Pista chopped thin
25gms Badam chopped thin
8 tbs Sugar
1/2 tbs Baking powder
1/4 tbs Cardamom powder

Take a bowl mix milk powder, baking powder evenly then add the egg white & bind it to make dough. Adding little ghee to avoid sticking in the hands.

* Now boil the milk 1ltr adding saffron & sugar and keep stirring. Keep in sim and stir it till it refuce in volume.

* Now make a small ball of the dough & keep the balls in the center of your palm and press with both hands to get the round shape with thin edges and little thick at the centre.

* Drop each pressed balls slowly into the milk. Keep the flame little high for 2 minutes & then reduce the flame to minimum. Than boil for another 10 min.

* When malai are cooked off the gas, Add the cardamom powder. Finally garnish with the chopped pista & badam.

* Refrigerate & serve chill.

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