Saturday 19 July 2014

Hot Milk Cake

Hot Milk Cake - Asha Pai


This is a very easy recipe which is also low cal and is good for those watching weight. Its called "hot milk cake" because we actually use hot milk in the recipe. When the baking powder/soda comes in contact with the heat, it immediately starts its work thereby giving that very soft texture to the cake. Please note, I used 1/4 cup lesser sugar than the recipe demanded, and added 1/4 tsp of baking soda to the flour mix. Please take care as the baking time may differ according to the size/shape of your pan. May also check with the tooth pick method, the pick should come out clean if you insert it in the middle of the cake. This cake can be served as plain slices while still warm or served with a glaze or sauce of your choice drizzled over the slices. You may also use small muffin tins and make milk muffins, in which case the baking time will have to be reduced to 12 to 18 minutes.

1 1/2 cup maida
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
3/4 cup milk

3 eggs
1 1/2 cup sugar powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

Makes one 9-inch cake. Preheat the oven 325 degrees F or 180 C.
Lightly butter and flour a 9" square baking pan and set aside.
In a medium sized bowl sift together the flour, baking powder and salt thrice, keep aside. In a mixing bowl beat the eggs and sugar until thick, about 5 minutes or till the sugar is fully dissolved; now beat in the vanilla. Meanwhile in a saucepan (big enough to hold the entire batter) heat milk and butter on your gas stove top,until simmering. Stir and watch to not scorch or let it boil. Remove from stove and immediately add the egg mixture in a slow and steady stream as you continue beating until well combined and creamy.(important step - if you don't beat the milk mix while pouring the egg mix, it will coagulate and form lumps because of the heat. also if you allow the egg mix to sit, whisk it again just before pouring it into the hot milk mixture) Fold the dry ingredients into the hot milk mixture until just combined. Don't over beat. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown and the cake is starting to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove, cool for 15 minutes, loosen the cake from the pan using a spatula or knife. Cut into pieces and serve while still warm or pour glaze of your choice over each piece as you serve. If you try this recipe, be kind enough to give feed back in the comment box below this recipe... If you have any questions regarding this recipe, please feel free to ask, again using the comment box below... "Happy baking" !!!!!

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