Saturday 19 July 2014


Valval - Vidya Nayak Shenoy


Get only Mangalorean vegetables for this.. that's what my mom does... like Duddi, Alsando, Kobbu, (sugarcane ), Kananga, Tendle, Magge, Ghosale , Bibbo etc... chop to 1 inch pieces.. & cook with salt..& 1 green chilly... Take out coconut milk almost 2 times & add the thin milk first to the veggies & bring it to boil..You can add arrowroot pwd or maida paste to thicken consistency of gravy.. add this to the gravy without leaving the hand stir well.. lastly add the thick milk and bring to boil.. Give the seasoning with coconut oil..jeera + urid daal n curry leaves your valval is ready.


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