Sunday 10 August 2014

Chocolatey Fruity

Chocolatey Fruity - Jaya Venugopal

Take strawberries and wash them well.Wipe them dry well.Meanwhile melt (melting of chocolate should be done indirectly meaning ...melt in a small vessel kept in a bigger vessel filled with water.When the water starts to boil,the chocolate will start melting) half chocolate bar ,3-4 tablespoon milk,and 1 tablespoon cacao powder.Once completely melted add 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter ,mix well.Now dip the strawberries one by one and keep on a butter paper on a plate and you can use any decoration like the ones available to decorate the cakes.Cool the strawberries in the refrigerator .I used Kiwis along with the strawberries.....

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