Sunday 6 July 2014

Raspberry Pennacotta

Raspberry Pennacotta  -  Brenda Shenoy

Method of Cooking:

Have ready 6 to 8 clear glass wine goblets or bowls.

Puree raspberries in food processor. Strain through a very fine meshed strainer. Discard seeds. Measure out 1 cup puree for recipe into a medium saucepan. Save extra puree for another use.

Sprinkle gelatin over puree and set aside for 5 minutes to soften gelatin. Heat over low-medium heat, stirring gently, until gelatin dissolves. Whisk in cream, milk and sugar and heat just until warm and absolutely all sugar is dissolved and mixture is well combined. Strain into a large pitcher. Strain again pouring directly into goblets, dividing evenly. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until set. Refrigerate up to 1 day ahead, covering tops of goblets with plastic wrap. Don't put the plastic directly on the panna cotta surface. Decorate as u wish.


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