Wednesday 16 July 2014


Madgane - Laxmi Bhandary

Half cup bengal gram, 2 tbsps rice, 1 ball jaggery, 2 cups coconut gratings, 2 tsps cardamom powder,15-20 tender cashew nuts and a few raisins.

Soak tender cashew nuts in water for an hour. Peel and separate the halves. Roast bengal gram dhal for a while, in frying pan. Wash and keep aside. Heat half litre of water in a vessel and cook the bengal gram dhal in it. Bring to boil. Then lower d flame. Grind coconut gratings and collect its thick juice in one vessel and the thin juice in another. When dhal is almost cooked, add cashew nut. Mix crushed jaggery. When both are cooked well, grind rice and pour it to the vessel. Turn over now and then, to prevent sticking to bottom. Add thick coconut juice. Bring to boil. You can add thin juice too, if desired. Bring to boil and remove from flame.Add raisins and cardamom powder. Stir and serve.

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