Wednesday 16 July 2014

Lemon Chutney

Lemon Chutney - Anjana Chaturvedi


Lemon -500 gms
Sugar-500 gms
Chili powder-2.5 tsp
Salt-to taste
Ginger,grated- 2 tsp

Wash and wipe lemons (choose small Indian lemon with thin skin) with a soft cloth.
Chop lemons into small pieces and remove the pips.
Grind the chopped pieces in the mixer to make a paste.(it's fine to have little chunky paste,no need to make it very smooth )
Take a heavy bottom pan add lemon paste and sugar and cook on slow flame.
When it started to thicken then add grated ginger,salt and chili powder.
Simmer till you get a soft jam like consistency.
Store in a glass jar when cool down completely.
Let it mature for a week then start using,can be used immediately but can taste slightly bitter now and after a week it will taste better as lemon absorb the flavours.

Grind the chopped lemon, sugar, ginger, salt and chili powder in the mixer and make a smooth paste.
Store in a glass bottle and keep in direct sunlight for a day.
Rest for a week then start using.

Grind lemon pieces in the mixer.
Take a glass jar, add sugar, salt, chili powder, ginger and lemon paste.
Mix every thing properly.
Keep the jar in sun light till the sugar melts and become a thick syrup.
Serving suggestions-serve with snacks,or as a side dish with main course or use as Lemon marmalade

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