Sunday 1 February 2015

Pedvachi Sasam Phannachi Phanna Upkari.

Pedvachi Sasam Phannachi Phanna Upkari - Sabitha Shenoy
Recipe: This tastes great with small sardines. I used medium sized ones.For 11 sardines-(Nearly 1/2 kg), Roast in oil 11 byadgi chillies and 15 long spicy chillies. one can use spicy chillies on its own depending on one's spice level. then grind it with roasted 1 table spoon coriander seeds and turmeric(roast coriander seeds in coconut oil and at the end add turmeric) to not so smooth p[aste with a marble size tamarind. add it to cleaned sardine, add salt and cook. Once half done add a seasoning of coconut oil and mustard. A spicy fragrant curry is ready which goes very well with Boiled rice.

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