Saturday 16 August 2014

Jeerey Kashay

Jeerey Kashay - Rajashree Acharya Kamat

Heat a vessel, when hot add 1 tsp Cumin Seeds (Jeera) & let them splutter. Immediately pour 1 glass water into it & let it boil for 2 min. Don't let the Cumin Seeds burn, so keep the water ready. Then strain it & have it hot. This is extremely useful in curing ABDOMINAL PAIN or GASTRIC AILMENTS and especially for girls in teens who have LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN or LOWER BACK PAIN during Menses.During that time 1 tsp butter shd be added to the kasay & then taken. Usually sugar is not added to it but for those who can't take without sugar, 1tsp in a glass will do.

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